Friday, September 19, 2008

from the devil himself......

he says:

"You have the talent, but its redundant, so why use it, may as well just be a normal cgl, a good wife and a future good mother.

There is no need for you to fight your way thru your destiny. God may have given you a great destiny but there are so many others that have the same talent as well, so why fight for it. Just be normal. Stay average.

You CANT do it alone, so if there is no one else joining you, forget it gal. You cant do it well, alone.

Its abt SKILLS remember? Thats why you learnt so much. Its abt the surface, abt how the whole band sounds, abt who sang out, who was flat. Its the skills that you should be concern abt.

You CANT grow, so why still fight?? No pt.

Yes, you should be jealous, and if you want to fight, fight to let others see how well you are, how capable you can be.

See how left out you are now? Others are doing so well now, but you? ..........


BURY that talent and just be a NORMAL, average christian lah. "

Must be a Singaporean devil. ops....

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