Monday, May 5, 2014

THOUGHT of the Day: Judging by the book cover

When i first saw this picture, it looks like some crooks trying to do something to the soldier. Yes i used the word Crooks. Sorry that i have to admit that i am not perfect and i tend to stereotype at times. Hm, won't you too? 

How many times have we come to a conclusion of our own after we see just a small part of the whole picture. It could only be a small piece of the whole jigsaw puzzle, and yet, we pre-concluded. 

Its like: when you dont see me drink water in front of you, you concluded that i dont drink much water. Or when i picked my vegs, and your conclusion is that i dont take veggies. And I snack in front of you often, doesnt give you the right to conclude that i eat unhealthily. 

No, i am not referring to anyone in particular, just some little thoughts about how human beings judge. 

So when i read the captions of this picture, i realised that once again, i judged. But the truth of the matter is that i am still a work in progress. A human that tries to be like Christ, not judging, always loving. And to love people with the love of Christ is never easy, but i believe that my God will give me the strength to love, no matter what. 

Recently i had wanted to cook a meal for my family and told my domestic help about my plans and she went "Mdm, you  can cook meh?" She's been with me for 2yrs now and thru these 2yrs, i have nvr cook in front of her, so her conclusion is that her mdm doesnt know how to cook. So, isit true? Not true. I dont do something in front of you, doesnt mean i DONT do it. And the truth is that i do know how to cook. And i have whipped a handful of meals for hub way before my domestic help joined. Its just that i choose not to. 

So, if i dont do house chores in front of you, doesnt give you the right to conclude that i DONT do them. 

Oh, i wasnt referring to you, yup, not you. :) Just saying. 

And no, i am not upset with such people, just amazed. 

Let's try not to judge a book by its cover. I am definitely more that what you see. 

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