Thursday, April 24, 2008

Juz that SimPle. :I

Its just that simple.

The bible says “Ask and it shall be given.” But I didn’t fully understand this. Why didn’t I ask earlier? Why did I assume that it will be given to me just because I thought it was a gift from Abba? Never assume, never take for granted, just because you may be born with it, but as long as you don’t humble yourself before the Lord to ASK, you will never have what you want.

Truly, He is simple, His principles are never really complicated. Often, it is man that makes things complicated. Why did I make this whole thing so so complicated?? Blaming on others, thinking that its never my fault but others that cause such LONG delay.

Now, maybe it is too late, maybe not. I don’t know. But I regretted not opening my mouth to ask from Him IN THE VERY FIRST PLACE.

Just that simple.

You want prosperity? Ask God for it. You want promotion, work hard and ask God for it.

It will come.

You want growth, don’t just sit there and wait for it to happen. It will not happen. You need to work hard and pray for growth!

So, why didn’t I think about it? :I

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